Pay as you go CDN
30 Jun 2017

How to Choose Proper CDN Provider

When you choose a CDN, you often apply for an opportunity to place your web content on servers located in various parts of the world. Such a simple solution can help you increase your web performance drastically and get a great number of other benefits like:

  • With a CDN, you can provide your internet users with a better user experience when streaming video and audio files;
  • When you use a CDN, you often get a better internet connection;
  • If your original server goes down, you can use one of the other servers from a CDN network to keep your website running;
  • A CDN can help you cut down your hosting expenses;
  • You can easily protect your web content from being stolen by scrapers or other malicious bots.

This is only a short list of the benefits you can get while applying for a CDN service. However, using a CDN isn’t a free of charge option. It’s a paid service, and you need to find an appropriate CDN vendor to deal with. Today, we’re going to give you some tips and clues on how to choose such kind of company.

Tip 1: Pay Attention to the Network of Servers

When you decide to use a CDN, you need to be sure that a CDN provider you’ve got interested in has a data center in the area your target audience resides. To check this, you need to visit the official website of the company and check its map of servers.

Once you’ve found a vendor with a server in a particular country, you need to assess your web performance while using a CDN. Most of CDN companies provide their clients with free trial period. We recommend you to use it to see whether the services of the particular company suit you or not.

Tip 2: Choose an Appropriate Package of Services

Most of CDN companies offer a standard package of services. However, some vendors may offer some exclusive options like CNMAE for secure pages. While choosing an appropriate CDN company, you need to pay attention to such things if you aren’t willing to be charged for the services you don’t require.

Tip 3: Find a Suitable Price Plan

Most of CDN companies seem to offer quite affordable CDN. However, we recommend you not to let the initial pricing data let you into the decision making process.

Tip 4: Pay Attention to the Custom Service

Remember that all reputable enterprises really care about their customers, so they would do their best to please them. For instance, they would hire polite and skillful employees for their custom service. We recommend you to avoid the companies where custom service is very slow to react or they don’t know how to help you or answer your question.

Today, we have given you several simple tips on how to choose an appropriate CDN vendor. We hope that our post will help you make the right choice.