Earning money in the internet is a real thing. You may be either a content provider who sells some products or a real e-merchant dealing with a great retail sales. Sometimes you may position yourself halfway in between, and it’s quite normal.
If you want to have a profitable e-commerce business, you should certainly build a handy and easy to use web platform for your activity. For instance, you may create an online store or a website for e-commerce tasks.
Nowadays, [...]
Category Archives: Web Development, Marketing
Creating websites is an amazing process, because each website isn’t just a set of color schemes and fonts. It always indicates your way of thinking and even your personality in some way. You may spend loads of time and energy on making your web resource colorful, easy to use and informative, but you may not succeed without taking the right approach in the creation process.
Today we are going to discuss five main steps which will help you build the [...]
HTTP (or HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol which manages the connection between your server and the clients’ browser. The first and the oldest HTTP protocol was described in 1991. At present we are using its updated version HTTP/1 which was released in late 1999. However, nowadays more and more web developers are talking about the necessity of switching their websites to the new HTTP/2 protocol.
So what is HTTP/2 and why do we need it?
The reason why we have [...]
What CMS are you using at the moment? If you are a big fan of Joomla, then you have chosen one of the fastest modern open-source content management systems. It’s a nice choice, because Joomla 3.5 works really fast and has a great bunch of splendid options to use.
At the same time, even the latest version of Joomla can’t guarantee the best web performance result. Your website may have a wonderful design, the most original content and still have [...]
Do you agree that Internet has become an efficient tool for making money? Yes, it’s really so, because the world wide web has opened immense opportunities for promoting, selling and buying various things. It doesn’t matter what you are purchasing or trading once your product has been advertised correctly.
In order to make the right and effective promotion of your goods, you can always use a wide range of internet-marketing tools. SEO optimization, context and banner adverts, e-mail marketing and [...]
7 Drupal performance tips
Drupal is a universal open source CMS, which is successfully used to create sites of varying spheres, such as news portals, blogs, even online stores, due to the large number of additional modules. Depending on the Internet project orientation, the developers use the appropriate themes, modules and "ready-made" Drupal builds, created for the specific site types.
In this article, we’ll try to answer one of the most important questions the developers working with this platform are faced [...]
CDN (Content Delivery Network) - a technology that allows you to deliver content to users in different regions: faster upload of images, videos, simple pages on your site. This article focuses on how people using the CDN could win in SEO and how not to lose the position and the traffic, including traffic from vertical searches. How to use the CDN properly to promote the site and not lose the traffic?
It is well known that search engines take into [...]
Slow websites are terribly annoying. It would seem that this problem was to remain in the age of analog modems, but even now we regularly spend our nerves, waiting for loading the next page. If you look at this issue from the point of site owners, it becomes even more acute.
According to a study of American web research:
47% of users wait a web page to load in 2 seconds;
40% of visitors may leave the site, which is loaded more [...]
DDos attacks became a real problem for most of online businesses nowadays. This way of economic pressure is very popular, because it does not leave any legally relevant evidences. At the same time such attacks can make unavailable almost any computer or system. DDos attacks are based almost on the same principle as Dos attacks. The difference is that DDos attacks use more than one computer as the attack source. Unfortunately, usually it consists of thousands of computers.
Attack can [...]
There are plenty of content distribution companies that provide their services all over the globe. Over twenty of them can be selected as noticeable players, over ten - as the most popular CDN (Content Delivery Network) companies.
Usually online-businesses compare these companies on such characteristics as number of PoPs, their presence in different regions, security settings, service flexibility and price policy. These characteristics help to find out which company provides the most useful service for a concrete business. However, the connectivity is not less important [...]