When you own an online business, there are always loads of things to take into consideration or pay attention to if you want to make your enterprise a successful one. For instance, you shouldn’t forget to check your web performance because it really matters in attracting potential clients and convincing them to buy things from you.
The latest internet researches have revealed that an average internet user is ready to wait no more than 2 seconds before the site downloads. [...]
Monthly Archives: January 2017
If you plan to start your own online business and don’t know which CMS to use to create your own online store, you may always try your hands with X-Cart. This eCommerce shopping cart software is considered to be one of the most universal tools in building online stores. Most of online business owners choose X-Cart because:
It owns excellent search and marketing capabilities;
It gives the site better SEO ranking;
You can easily track customer order history with [...]