Monthly Archives: October 2016

05 Oct 2016
Doing business in the Internet often requires a good protection of personal data and money transactions. If you want to buy something from the online store, you must be sure that none will steal your personal data (credit card number, PIN code and etc.). Online merchants who want to succeed in selling things online should make their store and eCommerce websites really safe for their buyers. Many of them use two-factor authentication to prevent illegal activity on their web [...]
03 Oct 2016
When you plan to earn money by eCommerce activity, you usually try to create an awesome website with catching images and useful content. Then you start to wait when your first clients will dial goods from your online store. Everything seems perfect, but your phone is silent and your mailbox is empty. Finally, you can’t understand why your online store has become so unpopular and shut down your business… However, the reason why your sales have fallen up to a zero [...]