If you are willing to make some money in the world wide web, you need an efficient tool to do this. Probably it can be your own site. Though building up a web platform and making it available for the online users don’t seem to be quite complicated, you will be definitely surprised when you come to know how many things influence the way your website is favored by its potential online users.
Today, we’re going to speak about 10 essential website performance metrics that must be paid attention to while creating a new site.
Metric 1: Time to Title
Time to title is the quantum of time your site requires to display its name in the browser tab of the user who is going to surf it. The shorter this quantum is, the better it is as quick popping up titles often ensure online visitors that they’re going to browse a safe web platform and make them wait till the page downloads.
Metric 2: Time to Start Render
Time to start render shows how much time is required for displaying a web files in the browser after it has requested it. This index is extremely significant as the faster the web content appears on the screen, the more likely your potential online user may let your web pages download.
Metric 3: DNS Lookup Time
DNS lookup is the request to the server that needs to get the IP address of a particular domain name. Along DNS lookup time can be the reason of huge delays in rendering a web page. If you pay attention to this metric, you‘ll get some useful data about the way your website operates and will apply for DNS lookups more wisely.
Metric 4: Connection Time
If you want to estimate your connection time, you often measure the period of time between the user’s query and the moment when the connection is established between his browser and the origin server.
A poor connection time is considered to be one of the main reasons why internet users don’t want to use some sites. If you aim to become the owner of one of these sites, you’d better try your hardest to enhance your connection time. One of the best solutions is to use a CDN to speed up website.
Metric 5: Overall Weight
If you lead a healthy lifestyle, you often check your weight. The same should be done with websites. To measure the weight of your site, gauge the number of the bites your potential user receives every time he wants to surf your site.
Remember, that ‘lighter’ websites often load faster than their ‘harder’ counterparts and have a better user experience.
Metric 6: Overall Asset Count
Once you’ve decided to create a user friendly and quick website, pay attention to the number of assets you’re going to include into it: just count how many CSS files, JS files and images you’re going to use to build up a website.
Metric 7: Third-Party Domains
When you put data from the other sources on your site, you often have to rely on the third-party domains. To avoid some problems, deal with the domains which can provide only irreproachable performance.
Metric 8: Faults Rate
If you compare the number of faults you website faces during a certain period of time with the number of total queries, you may get the error rate. To make it lower, test your site.
Metric 9: Bounce Rate
Bounce rate often shows the percentage of users who refuse to explore your web platform thoroughly. It’s a significant SEO and performance index.
Metric 10: Top Pages
This index will show what exactly internet users like in your web content: you should pay attention to the quantity of the page views and shares to get relevant data about your most favored web content.