Tag Archives: access logs

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13 Oct 2014
Raw access logs are an excellent piece of information about your CDN traffic. With raw access logs you can: Get list IP addresses of your visitors. Get status codes like 200, 404, etc. Get number of viewers of your streams. Get statistics per stream names. Example for static CDN - - [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /image.jpeg HTTP/1.1" 200 2326 Example for streaming CDN W1<TAB>290684511.r.cdnsun.net<TAB>INFO<TAB>stream<TAB>create<TAB>2014-10-05<TAB>08:56:04<TAB>556727814<TAB><TAB>-<TAB>3465<TAB>3454<TAB>10.16<TAB>rtmp://mycompany.com:1935/_definst_/stream<TAB> 1<TAB>-<TAB>0<TAB>0<TAB>-<TAB>-<TAB>rtmp://mycompany.com:1935/_definst_/stream<TAB>-<TAB>W1 Please refer to Raw Access Logs for more details. We would love your feedback on this new feature! Sincerely your CDNsun team.