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23 Nov 2015

Facebook Live Stream service by CDNsun

Introduction to Facebook stream

In the following we will publish a live event stream on Facebook.


Create a CDN Live service

  • Go to Services → New Service → Live.
  • Pick a CDN Service Domain. Please note that it can be any valid domain name. We have picked facebook-test.cdnsun.com.
  • Select Internal from the Publishing Point select box.
  • Select 2 PoPs (servers for ingest) close to you. You will be pushing your ingest stream from your live encoder (FMLE) to the PoP and to the Failover Origin PoP (serves as a backup).
  • Click on the Create Service button and you will be redirected to the CDN service how-to page.

Create CDN Live

Connect FMLE to CDN Live

  • On the Services → How-To page you will find your FMS URL, Backup FMS URL, username and password.
    Ingest Instructions
  • Fill in the FMS URL and the Backup FMS URL to your FMLE and pick some stream name. We have picked live. Also make sure that the video format is H.264 and the audio format is AAC or MP3.
    Connect FMLE to CDN
  • Click on the Connect button and fill in your username and password.
    Fill in CDN credentials
  • Click on the OK button and your FMLE is now connected to your CDN Live service. Encoding does not need to be started at this moment.

Create a hosted CDN player

Publish on Facebook for live streaming

  • Click on the Start button in your FMLE and start publishing your live event stream.
    FMLE start publishing
  • Copy the player URL and paste it on Facebook.
    Post on Facebook
  • Click on the play icon and your live event stream is live on Facebook!
    Live Streaming on Facebook


  • The stream is published over RTMP protocol so it can be played only on Flash compatible devices such as PC. The stream will not play on iOS devices. We do support Apple’s HLS protocol but currently it is not supported for playback on Facebook.